Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Preprogramming the “V” chip

The Senate has been holding hearings on how to cut down the raunch and violence on TV that gets seen by children. Most sets today don’t have the “V” chip, which can be programmed to do this. Soon all new tv sets will come with the V chip, which is able to do this, but most people will not know how to program the tv set to make us of it. If tv manufacturers are not already doing so, new tv sets should be programmed at the factory to set the V chip for maximum effectiveness. It will then be up to the purchaser to “opt out” of violence and sleaze.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Protein Power Comment 02

One of the key points of the “Protein Power” system is based on the fact that the human race evolved during the several hundred thousand year period when humans did not farm but survived by hunting, scavenging, and eating some roots and berries. When the skeletons of these Paleolithic humans are examined, they show that these humans suffered very little from obesity, arthritis, and similar diseases of modern life.

About 10,000 years ago agriculture pretty much replaced the hunter-gatherer lifestyle. People grew grains, vegetables, and fruit, and ate much less meat. In other words, the diet shifted from high protein-low carbohydrate to low protein-high carbohydrate. Egyptian mummies show that obesity increased, people had bad teeth, and did not grow as tall or live as long as the hunter-gathers.

Based on this historical data, the Protein Power nutritional plan was developed. In essence, the diet reduces carbohydrate intake and increases protein intake. The result, almost universally, is a loss of excess weight (fat) and better health.

(Note: these comments on "Protein Power" are based on the books "Protein Power" and "Protein Power Lifeplan".)

Monday, June 04, 2007

“Protein Power” Comment 01

My blood pressure has been somewhat high so I looked around for some way to control it without medication. I had just started a subscription to the newsletter of Dr. West, an alternative medicine inclined doctor, and he recommended that I buy the book “Protein Power” and use it as a guide.

I was able to buy a good condition copy of the book on Amazon for less that $5 + S&H. Briefly, “Protein Power” shows that a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet leads to all kinds of health problems, including obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other disorders. I will try to post more info on this topic later.