Thursday, March 31, 2005

Looking for a High-comedy DVD?

This bog is named "dvdmaker5" because I made a 110 minute DVD called "The Little Greenie". If you like old style Hollywood movies such as "The Philadelphia Story" and "Sabrina", you just might like "The Little Greenie". You can see a few shots and a few excerpts at and a clip from the DVD at Click on the categary Comedy and scroll down. You can buy the DVD at the Film Baby site and also at Customflix,

The DVD is based on an original play that was produced for a short run at Authors Playhouse in Bay Shore, Long Island. The play is one of three that are just being published in the book "Three Two-Act Comedies". If you're involved with a theater group, you might be interested in considering one of these comedies for a reading or for a production. In an effort to promote both the DVD and the book, both are being offered together as a package. Each normally sells for $14.95 but the combo is being offered for $24.95. You can order either or both by sending an email to

Monday, March 21, 2005

Supplements and vitamins at risk!

The World Trade Organization is considering adopting a set of guidlines that would limit the amount of vitamins and other supplements you could buy over the counter. If the WTO adopts these guidelines, the US is required to adhere to them. If, for example, you wanted to buy a bottle of 500mg vitamin tablets, you would need a doctors prescription. Vitamin C tablets larger than 50mg would no longer be available over the counter. All vitamins would be available only in RDA amounts unless you had a prescription. For more info on this subject, go to

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

More on the wealth tax

Many of the people who now make $50,000 or more have to pay very substantial taxes, consisting of a combination of federal and state income taxes and federal wage tax (social security), plus local real estate and sales taxes. If the taxes on this group could be substantially lowered, it is certain that it would push their total wealth upward. If the group making $100,000 to $200,000 or more had their taxes lowered, their wealth would begin to approach or exceed one million. One million dollars per family becomes the magic number!

When a family reaches this level of wealth, a wealth tax would kick in. It could be based on the idea that the first one million of wealth is not taxed. But all wealth greater than one million would be taxed at 1%. If you had 2 million, you would pay a tax of 1% on the second million, or $10,000.

This would be in addition to whatever other taxes you might owe. In 2003 the number of millionaires (plus a few hundred billionaires) is about 3.8 million (NFO Financial Services). . The number of households with wealth of $500,000 to $1,000,000 is about 3.6 million.

The total wealth of the top 10% of US families is about 70.9% of $42.1 trillion, which is $29.8 trillion. The total wealth that would not be taxed under the one million exemption rule would be 3.8 million families times one million dollars each, which equals $3.8 trillion. Subtract this amount from the $29.8 trillion and you end up with about $26 trillion subject to the 1% tax. One percent of $26 trillion is $260 billion. Remember, this is a tax of only 1% on the wealth of families who have more than one million.

This is the amount that could be used every year to lower income taxes, reduce the wage tax to near zero, provide universal health care, and do other things.