Thursday, March 31, 2005

Looking for a High-comedy DVD?

This bog is named "dvdmaker5" because I made a 110 minute DVD called "The Little Greenie". If you like old style Hollywood movies such as "The Philadelphia Story" and "Sabrina", you just might like "The Little Greenie". You can see a few shots and a few excerpts at and a clip from the DVD at Click on the categary Comedy and scroll down. You can buy the DVD at the Film Baby site and also at Customflix,

The DVD is based on an original play that was produced for a short run at Authors Playhouse in Bay Shore, Long Island. The play is one of three that are just being published in the book "Three Two-Act Comedies". If you're involved with a theater group, you might be interested in considering one of these comedies for a reading or for a production. In an effort to promote both the DVD and the book, both are being offered together as a package. Each normally sells for $14.95 but the combo is being offered for $24.95. You can order either or both by sending an email to


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