Friday, June 16, 2006

Jobs that Americans won't do?

The claim is that only immigrants will work at certain jobs because Americans won’t, no matter what the pay is. This is only a red herring but it should be put to rest.

An organization should be formed to see if Americans really won’t do some jobs. The organization will have to collect a million dollars or more and then contract to do some work that Americans theorethically won’t do.

Only American citizens should be hired. If necessary, limit the work force to military veterans. The initial wage offered should be slightly higher than what an immigrant would expect. The wage should then be increased until enough Americans have been hired to do the job. This would be a good indicator of what the minimum wage for all should be.

The project should last for several years to keep dilletants, etc. from taking the jobs. A project of this type may be difficult to implement but a coalition of unions might be able to pull it off. If successful, it would pull a lot of teeth out of the “Americans won’t work” argument.


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