The Money Culture
Why has money become so important to Americans? The Money Cultlure is corrupting medicine, politics, sports, the air we breathe, the food we eat and probably much else. Why? The people who do have a little more money than average usually have enough to have a decent life. Why is it important to some of these people to scratch and bite for more, more, more? Is it just a game? If it is a game, maybe the rules can be changed. If it's a sickness, maybe it can be cured.
In the book "Overdo$ed America, The Broken Promise of American Medicine", Dr. John Abamson, M.D. details how the big drug companies are basically running the entire American health care industry, with profit for the drug companies the main objective, not the health of the population. Here's part of what Eric Scholosser, author of "Fast Food Nation" says about the book on the back jacket: "Some of the worst drug dealers aren't peddling on street corners, they're occupying corporate suites. 'Overdo$ed America' reveals the greed and corruption that drive health care costs skyward and now threaten the public health."
The drug industry has 625 lobbyists, who spent $177 million in 1999 and 2000, lobbying 535 Congressmen and Senators. Did you know that of the 23 richest countries in the world, 21 have longer life expectancy than America? Further, Americans pay almost twice as much for their inferior health care as the top 22 countries.
Do we really want 40 million or so Americans to go without adequate medical care?
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