Thursday, January 27, 2005

Why are we exporting America?

You've heard of outsourcing. Maybe even first hand. For a lot of details and some suggestions on how to stop it, you need to look at and read the book "Exporting America" by Lou Dobbs. Get a copy from your library.

Do you know what the ten fastest growing job categories are? Only 3 of them require a college degree. They do not include computer engineering, radiologists, or some other high tech jobs.

One way to take a bite out of outsourcing jobs might be Social Security taxes. If a company exports 100 jobs to India, for example, the company would owe the US government to same amount of social security taxes that would have been paid if the jobs had created in the US. Then, to wake up Indian workers, !0% of that tax might be sent to India, which as I understand it, does not have a SS system as such.

Other things can be done, but we the people have to organize and make our voices heard. Blogs are a place to start.


At 8:46 AM, Blogger The Femoral Vein said...

I have just been reading that The US No Child Left Behind ACt has also been creating outsourcing opportunities...I am from India,btw


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